
• 应用与开发 • 上一篇    



  1. (江西理工大学信息工程学院,江西赣州341000)
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-18 出版日期:2018-04-03 发布日期:2018-04-03
  • 作者简介:黄敏(1996-),男,江西临川人,江西理工大学信息工程学院本科生,研究方向:增强现实; 兰红(1969-),女,辽宁鞍山人,教授,研究方向:计算机应用技术。
  • 基金资助:
    江西省教育厅科技项目(GJJ14430); 大学生创新项目(XZG-15-08-21); 教改项目(XJG-2015-09); 国家级创业实践项目(201610407012)

Design and Implementation of Software with Mobile Study in English Listening #br# and Speaking Based on Augmented Reality

  1. (School of Information and Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China)
  • Received:2017-07-18 Online:2018-04-03 Published:2018-04-03

摘要: 由于当前大多数笔记本电脑不再配置光驱,但英语教材依然以光盘形式提供视频资料,影响学习效果,因此采用Unity3D集成Vuforia SDK设计实现基于增强现实技术的英语视听说移动教学软件VBook。系统首先构建识别图数据库存于云端,根据识别图名称命名对应的视频文件;然后利用Unity3D设计和渲染场景,设计ImageTarget对象的虚拟视频播放按钮,编写脚本代码实现对识别图数据库及其相应视频的访问;最后生成便于用户使用的移动端应用。用户只需将Camera镜头对准书本插图,即可呈现出虚实叠加的视觉效果,实现移动设备的英语教学视频播放。将增强现实技术应用于英语视频教学,能使用户享受到新颖的学习方法和虚实结合的交互体验。

关键词: 增强现实, Unity3D, 英语视听说, Vuforia SDK, 虚实交互

Abstract: In the modern age, most of the laptops are without CD-ROM, but a huge amount of teaching material like video, audio and text information are still available on Compact Disk (CD). Exclusion of CD-ROM creates problems for the students to get video lectures and other electronic information from Compact Disk. Considering the above problems, this paper solves it with the implementation of the mobile augmented reality application, which is called VBook. The proposed solution is based on Unity3D development tools and Vuforia SDK expansion of real-world software development kit to achieve the objective. First, the application accesses the mobile camera to get the pictures and performs image recognition with Vuforia SDK. The recognition maps are generated and saved as a database, and meanwhile named as videos accordingly. Secondly, the application designs scenarios using Unity3D and downloads Vuforia toolkits package integrated in Unit3D, and after that, programs the recognition codes to access data. The picture from the maps database is transferred to our proposed system and requested the local server to get the related video. Finally, Android application is designed. This paper uses virtual reality (Unity3D) function to access the mobile camera and video player to play the retrieved video in the focused area of the book page. The experiment shows the impressive result. Using augmented reality with Unity3D, the paper achieves the goal to provide efficient data (english learning video) availability technique.

Key words: augmented reality, Unity3D, english listening and speaking, Vuforia SDK, virtual reality interaction
