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 A LED Taping Machine Vision Detection System Developed By VC


  1. Shaanxi Railway Institute, Weinan 714099, China
  • Received:2015-05-25 Online:2015-09-21 Published:2015-09-24


 This article describes the automated surface mount LED of the taping machine based on digital image processing’s vision detection system technology. The system
uses lightness value image production method to identify missing of the model of 5050 six angle front light emitting diode. Firstly, the detection method is to deal with image
by gray processing in the computer, then to deal with the noise through the median filtering, and then to detect lightness value of carrier band with or without material,
calculates the average deviation of lightness and this value would be a critical value, so the lightness value is greater than the critical value in the process detecting when
carrier band with material, the opposite carrier band without material. This detection algorithm is simple, high efficiency, detection results are given in the article, and the
feasibility and correctness of the method were validated theoretically and practically.

Key words: vision detection, automatic taping machine, surface mount led, lightness detection