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 Design and Implementation of Ethernet Communication Module#br#  for ESP Controller with Dual-core Architecture


  1. 1. College of Information Engineering, Guangdong Jidian Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510515, China;

     2. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
  • Received:2013-08-09 Online:2014-01-20 Published:2014-02-10

Abstract: As a result of critical industrial conditions of Electrostatic Precipitator(ESP), ESP controller requires a network communication module which can meet a higher level requirement. An excellent signal processing ability, as long as real-time and open communication features, are necessary for ESP controller. This paper presents a network module based on AM1808. This module takes CY7C024AV2, a dual port memory, as the way to make Inter-processor Communication (IPC) possible, so that large amount of data can be exchange efficiently. With this network module, ESP controllers can be connected together to make a multi-controller ESP system. And to make it compactable with upper applications, this network module takes MODBUS/TCP as the key protocol for network communications. After the electrostatic field experimental test, this network module based on AM1808 can achieve a good performance.

Key words:  electrostatic precipitator, controller, multi-core communication, ARM