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Extensions of Client-side JavaScript Built-in Objects by Low Invasion Method#br#  Based on Rhino Engine


  1. North China Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2013-08-15 Online:2014-01-20 Published:2014-02-10

Abstract: In order to obtain the pages of information generated by JavaScript scripts, better access to Web-depth information, A minimally invasion method that can improve Rhino engine is proposed. Through in-depth analysis on the process that Rhino engine parses JavaScript script, this paper draws the key to extend Rhino engine. On this basis, low-invasive design is used, Rhino engine is improved by low coupling expansion method, thereby Rhino engine parsing on the client JavaScript script is improved. Through the use of minimally invasive extension method, the expansion and use of Rhino engine are completely separated, the developers of the expansion do not have to understand the implementation details of Rhino engine, simplifying extension development. Finally, this paper verified the effect of Rhino engine improvements through experiments.

Key words:  parsing, DOM tree, Java extensions