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#br#  Research on Transplantation of uC/OSIII Kernel to SMT32F103VET6


  1. College of Information Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Received:2014-05-12 Online:2014-10-10 Published:2014-11-04


In order to realize the unified management of software and hardware resources and to make developers concentrate on their own business, this paper introduces a way
of transplanting the realtime kernel uC/OSIII to STM32F103VET6. Basic characteristics and the key contents related to uC/OSIII kernel such as NVIC, PendSV and systick of
CortexM3 are presented. Besides, it also illustrates the uC/OSIII architecture, states the mechanism of context switch and  elaborates the steps of uC/OSIII kernel
transplantation including BSP development, modification of sources files related to CPU and how to implement PendSV and context switch in ARM assembly language. Test results
show that uC/OSIII kernel can be stably run on STM32F103VET6 and the multitask scheduling can also be implemented.

Key words:  uC/OSIII, CortexM3, kernel transplantation, PendSV, context switch

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