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Resource Location Technology for Software Ecosystem


  1. (Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing 100091, China)
  • Received:2019-06-11 Online:2020-03-24 Published:2020-03-30

Abstract: In order to meet the customization requirements of large-scale complex software systems, the software ecosystem emerges as the times require, and gradually becomes a new development trend in the field of software engineering. How to accurately and quickly locate software resources becomes a key issue. Based on ontology, this paper gives a software ecosystem model to ensure that different software resources can be described in a unified way. On this basis, a software access method based on unified access engine is proposed to ensure accurate access to different software resources, and to meet the needs of the fine management of different organizations and a large number of software in the software ecosystem. The experiment shows that the resource management technology proposed in this paper can improve the accuracy and efficiency of software resource positioning.

Key words: software ecosystem, software engineering, ontology, unified access engine

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