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An Improved Mean Square Difference Collaborative Filtering Algorithm


  1. (School of Information Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China)
  • Received:2018-10-11 Online:2019-04-26 Published:2019-04-30

Abstract: Traditional collaborative filtering algorithm based on the mean square difference (MSD) only considers the mean square difference value between the rating vectors when calculating the similarity, resulting in an unsatisfactory recommendation performance. To solve this problem, we propose an improved mean square difference collaborative filtering algorithm (IMSD), which integrates the cosine value and the mean square difference value between the rating vectors. Experiments on two Movielens datasets show that the IMSD algorithm improves the recommendation accuracy compared with the MSD algorithm. More importantly, we find that its generalized application is also effective. By applying the IMSD into improving two other algorithms, JAC_MSD and AC_MSD algorithms, we propose two corresponding JAC_IMSD and AC_IMSD algorithms, and find that the recommendation accuracy of both algorithms can be improved. Among all the investigated algorithms, the recommendation accuracy of the AC_IMSD algorithm is best.

Key words: recommender system, collaborative filtering, MSD algorithm

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