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An Image Style Transfer Algorithm Based on Multi-dimension Histograms Matching


  1. (School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)
  • Received:2018-10-19 Online:2019-02-25 Published:2019-02-26

Abstract: Based on the classical image style transfer algorithm using histogram matching, a new image style transfer algorithm has been proposed, which uses multi-dimension histograms matching. Firstly, different dimension histograms are generated. Then, the histogram matching is performed between the original and target images. As a result, the images after style transfer using different dimension histograms are obtained. Finally, the image having the same style with the target image is produced by fusing the images obtained in the histogram matching step. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can ensure that the original and target images obtain the best similarity in global scale. Meanwhile, the proposed algorithm can also make the generated image save the most details from the original image. Namely, the generated image has the similarity between the original and target images as much as possible and the local details from the original image are saved as many as possible simultaneously.

Key words: multi-dimension, histogram matching, style transfer

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