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 Incremental Updating Algorithm of Application System


  1. (Foundation four, North China Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing 100083, China)
  • Received:2017-07-13 Online:2018-03-08 Published:2018-03-09

Abstract: Aiming at the efficiency issues which the application system upgrade brings, such as high service pressure caused by large-scale updating and large amount of network data transmission, we propose an application system construction model based on the micro-service architecture. Then, to update the application system locally, based on BsDiff and other traditional binary file incremental updating algorithm, the incremental update algorithm of application system-level ASIUpdate is proposed. Finally, the prototype software of the new algorithm is developed. Comparing the update efficiency with the traditional application system version, the test results show that the proposed algorithm has obvious improvement in efficiency and resource consumption.

Key words: micro service, micro application, system upgrade, incremental updating, ASIUpdate

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