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An Algorithm for Simulation of Flight Track Simulation


  1. 1. North China Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing 100083, China; 
    2. Faculty of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2017-05-10 Online:2018-01-23 Published:2018-01-24

Abstract: In flight simulation, the aircraft track simulation does not take into account the aircraft is uniform speed or change speed. It is usually represented by a simple combination of straight lines and circles. This algorithm is generally ideal or simplified. In order to establish a realistic implementation of complex air situation and flight simulation, mathematical model of aircraft motion is studied. The aircraft linear flight algorithm is summarized, and a new simulation algorithm is proposed to simulate the turning track of aircraft in order to simplify the turning track of aircraft. A new method of turning and increasing the diversity of aircraft tracks is achieved by using an algorithm for uniform and variable speed turns of an aircraft. The application and simulation of the new algorithm in ATC simulation training system, compared with the track data of the real aircraft, confirm that the new algorithm can simulate the transmission turning track, and make the whole track closer to the true.

Key words: mathematical model, flight simulation algorithm, track simulation, speed turn track

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