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 Design of Real-time Data Exchange and Management Software for #br# Maneuverable Command Automation System


  1. Luoyang Electronic Equipment Experiment Center, Luoyang 471003, China
  • Received:2016-09-21 Online:2017-05-26 Published:2017-05-31

Abstract: Maneuverable command automation system needs to be butted joint with many types of nodes. It need adapt status variation of different node and can apply to various kinds of environment. Real-time data exchange is the key technique of maneuverable command automation system for information sharing and efficient using. Because different hardware platforms, network platforms, database system are used in equipment interconnected with the system, some problems such as multiple models coexistence and data exchange failure appear. In the background of an equipment measurement test, based on requirement analysis, using dynamic multi-thread programming and multicast technique, a real-time data exchange and management software for maneuverable command automation system is designed. The software can transform protocol and record data under multiple systems. It can also display the equipment status in real time, replay the experiment process and analyze the data results. This software worked well in the test.

Key words:  maneuverable command automation system, data exchange, dynamic multi-thread programming, multicast planning