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Privacy Preservation Mechanismin of Opportunistic Networks Based on Stochastic Game


  1. (Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, Xianyang 712000, China)
  • Received:2016-04-25 Online:2016-09-12 Published:2016-09-13

Abstract: There exist severe privacy security risks on opportunistic networks because of the need to rely on unknown nodes to forward the message or receive data from strange nodes. Accordingly, an optimal defense strategy is designed to avoid privacy leaking in terms of privacy security problems which may be caused by attacks from malicious nodes on opportunistic networks. Firstly, we model an opportunistic network that depicts the changing process of user’s context using Markov chain. Based on the system model, we formulate the attack-defense relationship between users and attackers with the stochastic game. Then, we propose a defense strategy depending on the min-max learning algorithm. At last, we prove the efficiency of this algorithm to protect privacy security by comparing with other traditional defense algorithms, which not only prove the higher convergence speed of the proposed algorithm, but also outperform better than others with user’s QoS guaranteed.

Key words: opportunistic networks, stochastic game, privacy preservation mechanism, learning algorithm

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