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Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Sentences Based on Word Embedding and Syntax Tree


  1. (College of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China)
  • Received:2016-01-26 Online:2016-08-18 Published:2016-08-11

Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet, the network is filled with a lot of subjective texts. How to judge the emotional polarity of these subjective statements is the key of the text sentiment analysis. In this paper, a method of sentiment analysis of Chinese sentences based on the word embedding and syntax tree structure is proposed. In view of the large number of network words, word embeddings are used to compute the semantic similarity between words, and the emotional polarity of the target word is gained. Some sentiment rules are defined for the phenomenon of emotional polarity transfer. Then, we judge the sentiment of sentences according to the syntax tree structure of the sentences. Experiments show that this method can solve the problem of the network words. Simultaneously, the precision and recall rate of the method are improved, and it also can be used widely in different domains.

Key words: sentimental lexicon, word embedding, syntax tree, sentiment analysis

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