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Data Compression Algorithm in Real-time Database


  1. The First Hospital of PLA, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2015-12-08 Online:2016-06-16 Published:2016-06-17

Abstract: To handle the problem of storage caused by large amount of data in real-time database, a classification data compression algorithm is proposed, which can achieve the lossless and efficient compression of real-time database data. First, the data of the real-time database are divided into three parts: time stamp, quality code and value. Then the LZ78 and LZW data compression algorithms are fused according to the characteristics of each data. Experimental results show that this algorithm can improve the actual storage capacity of database and the real-time performance of real-time database.

Key words:  real-time database, data compression algorithm, LZ78 algorithm, LZW algorithm

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