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DirectX-based Techniques of Stereo Loading System’s 3D Visualized Auxiliary Module


  1. (Transportation Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China)
  • Received:2013-09-06 Online:2014-02-14 Published:2014-02-14

Abstract: Stereo loading system (SLS) is an intelligent layout system designed for container loading. Its unique 3D visualized auxiliary system is based on the accomplishment of spatial layout optimization and utilizes the application programming interface DirectX, eventually allows users to see the cargo container loading result visually and furnish the system with full manual editing functions. This article elaborates the main technical points involved in the development of the 3D visualized auxiliary system of SLS. Successively, it introduces the program design ideas of Direct3D-based three-dimensional scenes’ real-time rendering, picking-up and movement methods of the model and the collision detection mechanism between models. Finally, it displays the manually edit module effect diagram of the SLS.

Key words: DirectX, Direct3D, three-dimensional visualization, stereo loading, spatial layout optimization

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