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  1. (1.云南财经大学信息学院,云南昆明650221; 2.云南省高校服务计算与安全管理重点实验室,云南昆明650221)
  • 收稿日期:2019-02-15 出版日期:2019-07-05 发布日期:2019-07-08
  • 作者简介:尚靖伟(1990-),男,河南新乡人,硕士研究生,研究方向:医疗大数据,E-mail: shangjingweiwork@163.com; 通信作者:姜茸(1978-),男,云南凤庆人,教授,博士生导师,博士后,研究方向:大数据与云计算,信息管理,E-mail: jiang_rong@aliyun.com。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(61763048, 61263022, 61303234); 教育部科技发展中心创新促教基金资助项目(2018A01042); 云南省应用基础研究计划面上项目(2017FB095); 第十八批云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才培养计划项目(2015HB038)

Medical Big Data and Privacy Leakage

  1. (1. School of Information, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming 650221, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Service Computing and Safety Management of Yunnan Provincial Universities, Kunming 650221, China)
  • Received:2019-02-15 Online:2019-07-05 Published:2019-07-08

摘要: 大数据中的医疗大数据与人类的健康生活息息相关,随着大数据的发展、信息化的加快,医疗卫生信息平台、数字化的医疗设备与仪器迅速普及,导致医疗领域内的数据呈爆炸式增长,且类型繁多、关系复杂。敏感的医疗数据安全问题同样备受关注。医疗数据在为人类的健康提供帮助的同时,保护相关联的敏感数据越来越成为学者、从业者和普通大众所关注的热点。本文从大数据的基本概念入手,通过对现阶段隐私泄露及医疗大数据的相关研究进行分析,结合大数据领域的相关研究对当前隐私泄露行为、保护技术等问题进行分类阐述,希望能为本领域学者的进一步研究有所启示和帮助。

关键词: 大数据, 医疗, 隐私泄露, 隐私保护

Abstract: Big data, especially in the field of medical big data, is directly related to the life and health of human beings. With the development of big data and the acceleration of informatization, the rapid popularization of medical and health information platform and digital medical equipment and instruments has led to the explosive growth of data in the medical field, with various types and complicated relationships. Sensitive medical data security is also a matter of great concern. While medical data provide help for human health, the protection of related sensitive data has become a hot topic for scholars, practitioners and the general public. This article starts with big data’s basic concept, through the analysis to the current stage privacy leakage and the medical big data related research, unifies the big data domain correlation research to the current privacy leakage behavior, the protection technology and so on question carries on the classification elaboration. It is hoped that it will be helpful to the further research of scholars in this field.

Key words: big data, medical treatment, privacy disclosure, privacy protection
