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  1. (陆军工程大学石家庄校区装备模拟训练中心,河北石家庄050003)
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-06 出版日期:2019-04-08 发布日期:2019-04-10
  • 作者简介:赵东昊(1993-),男,河北石家庄人,硕士研究生,研究方向:网络对抗与信息安全,E-mail: zhaodonghao1@sina.com; 卢昱(1960-),男,河南洛阳人,教授,博士生导师,博士,研究方向:信息网络安全控制; 王增光(1991-),男,河南驻马店人,博士研究生,研究方向:网络对抗与信息安全; 张腊(1990-),男,河北新乐人,硕士研究生,研究方向:网络对抗与信息安全。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社会科学基金资助项目(15GJ003-184); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61271152)

One-time Password Authentication Scheme Based on NFC  #br# in the Internet of Things Environment

  1. (Equipment Simulation Training Center, Shijiazhuang Campus, Army Engineering University of PLA, Shijiazhuang  050003, China)
  • Received:2018-08-06 Online:2019-04-08 Published:2019-04-10

摘要: 针对当前部分传统身份认证技术存在耗能高、计算量大、效率低等缺陷,提出一种基于近场通信(Near Field Communication, NFC)技术的一次性口令认证方案。该方案不仅具有一次性口令成本较低、实现简单的优点,适用于物联网环境;同时通信双方运用NFC技术进行交互,利用NFC设备初始化时进行的冲突检测有效地解决了一次性口令认证明文传输的安全性问题。通过对其进行分析,可知该方案在有效防止常见攻击的同时保证了较小的计算量和较高的效率,能够应用到物联网环境中。

关键词: 物联网, 身份认证, NFC技术, 一次性口令

Abstract: Aiming at the defects of high energy consumption, large amount of calculation, and low efficiency for traditional identity authentication technology, this paper proposes an IoT(Internet of Things) terminal authentication scheme based on NFC(Near Field Communication)and OTP(One-Time Password). This scheme has the advantages of low cost and simple implementation of one-time password, and applies to terminals with partial storage and weak computing capabilities in the Internet of Things environment. At the same time, both parties of communication use NFC technology to interact, and NFC technology is used to perform conflict detection during device initialization and effectively solve the security problem of plaintext transmission of one-time passwords. Through the analysis of its performance, it can be known that the program can effectively prevent common attacks while ensuring a smaller amount of calculation and higher efficiency, which can be applied to the Internet of Things environment.

Key words:  IoT, identity authentication, NFC, OTP
