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Fine-grained Image Recognition Based on Deep Neural Network #br# with Amplified Multi-attention Mechanism


  1. (Information and Communication Branch, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310012, China)
  • Received:2019-02-13 Online:2019-09-23 Published:2019-09-23

Abstract: Most of the existing fine-grained image recognition methods based on attention mechanism do not consider the local correlation of the target. In addition, most of the previous methods use multi-stage or multi-scale mechanism, which leads to low efficiency and difficulty in end-to-end training. This paper proposes that the relationship between different parts of different input images can be adjusted. The method based on the attention mechanism of the above ideas is to learn the characteristics of each focus area of each graph. Then the amplified multi-attention method is used to enhance the effect, so that the same category of images have similar attention mechanism, and different categories of images have different attention mechanism and can also be trained end-to-end.

Key words: multiple attention mechanism, end-to-end, fine-grained image recognition

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