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Road Lighting Intelligent Management System Based on MVC and Entity Framework


  1. (1. Guangzhou Research Institute of O-M-E Technology, Guangzhou 510663, China;
    2. Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception, Guangzhou 510663, China)
  • Received:2015-03-19 Online:2015-10-10 Published:2015-10-10

Abstract: With the development of city construction, the traditional street light control and maintenance methods cannot meet the needs of modern urban development. In this article, based on Microsoft’s ASP.NET MVC4 framework and the entity framework, adopting three-layer architecture mode, we research and design an intelligent road lighting management system. In the system presentation layer, we use jQuery, Ajax, HTML 5, CSS3 and other technologies to achieve page display, the business layer is realized by using the T4 template, and the data layer is realized by adopting the entity framework. We briefly analyze the technical details of system implementation and the realization of intelligent control, fault alarm, and other functions. The system can carry on the real-time detection and control of road lamps, realizing the intellectualized management of urban street lighting.

Key words: ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, entity framework; road lighting, intelligent management

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