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Image Denoising Based on Shearlet Transform and Improved Anisotropic Diffusion


  1. (Department of Computer Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang 473009, China)
  • Received:2015-01-12 Online:2015-05-18 Published:2015-05-18

Abstract: To suppress the pseudo-Gibbs in multi-scale geometric analysis denoising and alert the staircase effect in anisotropic diffusion effectively, an image denoising method combining shearlet transform and improved anisotropic diffusion is proposed. Firstly, the noisy image is decomposed by shearlet transform, and different scale coefficient matrices are obtained. Then, the improved anisotropic diffusion equation is applied to process these shearlet coefficients, which realized a new anisotropic diffusion denoising based on multi-scale analysis of the image. Finally, the clean image is obtained from the processed shearlet coefficients. Experiments show that the proposed method can suppress the pseudo-Gibbs and staircase effect, as well as reduce the noise and preserve the detail better.

Key words: image denoising, shearlet transform, anisotropic diffusion, multi-scale analysis, staircase effect

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